
For Neurodivergent Folks. . .

Sometimes you want resources, advocacy or more one on one support than therapy can provide. . .

Amy Noyes provides exactly that kind of additional support, helping people build their lives in ways that support their neurotype and natural ways of functioning instead of working againt it!  Check out her offerings at

Guided Meditations for you, from me. . . typically 10 minutes or less:

10 minute relax:

Welcoming sensations and emotions:

Stuff I love…

The Hilarious World of Depression podcast.  This works almost like a support group for me!  Just by listening to the show, I feel connected to other people who have feelings and sometimes struggle, and it lets me laugh in between the tears 🙂

More Podcasts:  The ADHD Adults for uproarious hilarity and devastating honesty about the ADHD experience.    System Speaks, brilliant, about Dissociative Identity Disorder.  The Bendy Bodies podcast for amazing education on so many topics relating to hypermobility.

Hyperbole and a Half:  This is amazing.  I highly recommend the book, but you can find lots of what’s in the book on the website.  For people who feel weird, confused by themselves, depressed, or just plain human, this is for you.  One day I’d like to wallpaper my office in this stuff!

The Google Image search for “adorable animal friends” (yup, I use this and similar searches regularly as a mood booster!)

The movie I Heart Huckabees. . .this movie makes me think deeper and deeper each time I watch it while simultaneously cracking me up. . . I literally laugh out loud AND reconnect with my own sense of spirituality, compassion for self and others, acceptance of factors beyond my control. . . it helps me to take myself seriously while seeing how completely insignificant and meaningless my humble existence truly is.  For me, that’s a “spiritual petit-four” for sure!!!!

Books to Read:

All the older books by Gabor Mate, but especially When the Body Says No (if you’re struggling with physical pain or illness that has an emotional component) and Scattered Minds (for challenges to attention or what I call “Unpredictable Brain Function”).  On his website he lets you read a big chunk of each of the books, it’s great!

Lost Connections by Johann Hari, about how being isolated has become the cultural norm, and how damaging it is for us.  While we’re on the topic, check out this video on Loneliness, by Kurzgesagt In A Nutshell, it is so affirming and helpful to me!!!!

Thinking in Bets and How to Decide by Annie Duke.  These books have helped me so much to reduce anxiety around decision making and to think much more clearly and easily about what I am and am not responsible for.

Devon Price’s books Unmasking Autism and Laziness Does Not Exist!!!

4000 Weeks:  Time Management for Mortals by Oliver Burkeman.  Historically educational as well as existential.  I have listened to this book so many times and little by little it helps me shed my capitalist skin . . .

OK, I’ll put more links up as I think of them 🙂